Experts in Art Investment and Collecting

In investing in art we are aware of the latest developments in the market, as well as available to our clients, for everything they want to consult us.

About Us: Experience and Professionalism in the Art Market

Investing in art is made up of a group of professionals with years of experience in the art market and in contact with artistic creators; offers its aesthetic and business criteria to collectors who want to invest and collect works of art, or sell them, with safety and quality.

The goal of investing in art is to create, with each collector, a continuous work environment based on knowledge, professionalism, clarity and honesty, so that you feel informed, advised, and perfectly cared for. This activity is based on a deep knowledge and punctual monitoring of the national and international art market (you can visit the Art Market section), on the use of economic-business criteria and on our desire to provide a complete service.

In this sense, investing in art can manage, advise and coordinate all kinds of services related to the world of art, thereby receiving previously agreed professional fees.

Salvador Dalí, La edad de oro, 1956-1957

Art Appraisal: Precise Valuation and Comprehensive Advic

If you want to know the value of any work of art, be it painting, sculpture, furniture or another object, investing in art offers its appraisal services. After a detailed study of the work, we made the estimation of the market price of that piece at the moment; In the case of paintings, a price dossier of similar works by the same author sold at public auction is also presented, which guarantees the correct price estimate according to the market.

If you also want to sell said work or works, after agreeing on a minimum sale price, investing in art will make the necessary arrangements to sell it, either nationally or internationally; if there were no interested parties, the possibility would be offered of putting it up for sale at public auction under our advice.

All this, with the perception of a small amount for the study, and a commission for the sale, to be agreed according to the work.

You can contact us at the following email address: info [@] invertirenarte [.] es

Art Purchase: Works by Spanish and Contemporary Artists

We are interested in the works of renowned Spanish artists of the 19th century and of the early 20th century, especially those linked to the Valencian, Catalan and Basque school. To cite some examples, Valencians such as Ignacio Pinazo, Joaquín Sorolla, Sala, Plá or Muñoz Degraín; Catalans such as Anglada-Camarasa, Nonell, Meifrén, Mir or Rusiñol; Basques Arteta, Guiard, Guinea, Iturrino, Tellaeche, the Zubiaurre or Zuloaga brothers; and singularities such as Regoyos, Romero de Torres or Zabaleta.

Slightly later, the School of Paris and the School of Madrid in a broad sense, such as Alberto Sánchez, Ángel Ferrant, Benjamín Palencia, Díaz-Caneja, Novillo, Redondela, etc.

The list of contemporary Spanish artists that interest us is long. We highlight some: Albacete, Alcaín, Asins, Badiola, Barceló, Barjola, Broto, Campano, Canogar, Eduardo and Gonzalo, Chillida Chirino, Dis Berlin, Equipo 57, Equipo Crónica, Feito, Gordillo, Laffón, Leiro, Antonio López, Julio y Francisco López Hernández, Manrique, Millares, Naranjo, Navarro Baldeweg, Oteiza, Palazuelo, Pijoán, Plensa, Quejido, Ráfols Casamada, Manuel Rivera, Elena del Rivero, Saura, Sempere, Sevilla, Sicilia, Tàpies, Teixidor, Uslé, Valdés, Valls or Vera, to name just a few.

We have a special interest in Philippine painting where the Spanish Fernando Zóbel is a proper name; Other authors we are looking for are Juan Luna, Fernando Amorsolo, Félix Resurrección Hidalgo, Fabián de la Rosa, Federico Aguilar Alcuaz, or Antonio Malantic, among others.

Spanish Artists and Contemporary Artworks for Sale